A way of life. Movement to get out of your mind.

All expectations removed prior, this about fun exploration that includes breath, movement and the mind space. Gentle and dynamic variations offered, for all levels.


1 : 1 Session

Time for you. No matter your Yoga experience this is the place for you. Whether you’re just starting out, wanting to deepen your practice, no time for a scheduled class or working on injury recovery. It’s all tailored to YOU.


Group Bookings

Creativity eat your heart out! It get’s juicy.

A girls/guys get together, work colleagues, before the big day, baby shower or blessing way. A delicious session designed to suit your event.

Yoga flows or a gentle deep release - all can be teamed with breathwork and meditation.

Vidya Yoga Retreat


Invigorating fluid movement session, designed to empower you to explore your body. Get ready to build strength, balance and flexibility in a fun and accessible way. Starts with warming the body with fluid movement/flow. We warm down with long stretchy holds to assist with balancing and restabilising the body.



Allow your body to recharge through rest. Rejuvenate connective tissues, and restore the joints and systems of the body. Repair the optimal range of movement. Time to nurture your mind, body and breath.



This class is for resting, while your body re-energises taking advantage of a guided relaxation. Mat or no mat, lie down the whole time and chill. Yoga Nidra, or “yogic dreaming” alters your brain state, toward deep relaxation whilst dropping your physical body in to the Parasympathetic Nervous System (rest and digest). Lay down, close your eyes, allow your body to chill with gentle calming breathing guidance to start with, then going in to conscious releasing of muscular tension with a soothing gentle voice . Great for every day people who find it hard to “switch off”, dealing with trauma (physical or emotional), stress and anxiety. There are many profound scientific and health benefits of simple conscious meditation. It’s easier than you think, and falling asleep is welcome. 20 minutes of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) is equivalent to 2 hours of actual sleep!

From practice to purpose

Woman walking looking behind smiling and carrying a rolled yoga mat.

My yoga journey started as a ‘stretch’ to accommodate my hectic gym training, which was a healing modality at the time - little did I know it was the beginning of a true sense of purpose. This ‘stretch’ began to feel amazing in my body. I began to notice when I didn’t get my yoga fix in.

Indonesia, being a true healing place for me, I flew over to immerse myself in all the yoga learnings. I met some amazing souls, learnt to surf and absolutely loved my time, I felt at home within myself. I could feel the more I practiced, the more calm my mind felt. The chatter and negative thoughts began to subside. My practice turned more inward rather than just being a physical movement, I could see the benefits of breathwork and understanding why.

Yoga is much more than exercise or a way to calm the mind. It is a way of life. Building awareness, trusting and being able to reach inside for happiness allows us to respond, not react. It allows us to breathe. My dream is to make yoga accessible for everyone to include yoga in their life, to share my knowledge to help everyBODY create a life they love. I believe yoga has the ability and power to heal and transform. Understanding your body and its capabilities builds power, flexibility and confidence in oneself, proving individual identity and a way to move forward. It builds purpose.

For me I must love what I do each day, 1 : 1 sessions, curated group session, running retreats and seeing the transformations – yoga is huge part of this. Teaching for over 10 years with a balance of Yang and Yin style practice to ensure the body and mind are both flexible and strong.

Completing my 200 and then 300 Hours immersed on the island of Bali with Mathieu Boldron, a mixture of Vinyasa, Power, Hatha & Yin. This changed the way to look at the body, to change your perspective. Embodying all aspects to create a balanced practice.



Retreats & Collabs

Empower you with tools & knowledge to create your own internal retreat. Fuelling our body to gain mental & physical awareness. Through breath, movement & fun.


Connect with Verity on a call

Time to Yoga together