about VERITY

I help you fully embody your true self with complete clarity.

From an early age, I was captivated by the world of creativity, wellness and the power of the breath. This fascination began when I discovered my mother's VHS tape on Oxysize. The profound insights I gained on my breath from these videos ignited a fire within me to explore the intricate connections between mind, body, and spirit.

This passion grew deeper when, in my mid-20s, I found myself grappling with anxiety, eating disorder, abuse, trauma, and an array of unexplained gut health issues. Despite following all the popular rules of a partying / healthy lifestyle (the polar opposite combo), my symptoms persisted. Conventional approaches offered no solace, leaving me frustrated and confused - and out of pocket.

I was determined to find answers, I immersed myself in the study of holistic wellness. I became a Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Reiki Practitioner, Colon Hydrotherapist, integrating these diverse disciplines into a cohesive approach to healing. But it was my journey into Breathwork that truly transformed my life.

After the death of my partner of 7 year, I spent time searching for reasons to live and smile - it became my entire focus . It occurred the night before we were about to holidya together and celebrate, Josh a promotion and I’d completed a body building competition. Life changed forever.

Breathwork became my sanctuary—a space where I could heal from past traumas and reconnect with my true self. I was blown away when in ten minutes I feel as if I’d healed and understood more than the past ten years of healing.

It allowed me to navigate life’s raw experiences with grace, enhancing both my mind and body through the simple, yet profound act of breathing. I discovered that the breath is a powerful tool for resetting the nervous system and releasing emotional baggage.

Professionally, I started in the world of Interior Design, creating spaces that inspired and uplifted. But as I dealt with personal challenges, I realised that true transformation starts from within. This realisation led me to run Yoga & Surf Retreats on a tropical Indonesian island, where I could share my passion for holistic wellness with others.

My mission is to empower, align, and translate healing through the breath. By acknowledging our wounds and healing them, we break the cycle of hurt and step into our true potential. I believe in the power of wisdom from others, but also in the importance of trusting your own intuition.

In my sanctuary of healing, you’ll find a safe harbour—a place to release the anchors of doubt and fear, and set sail towards your dreams. With gentle guidance and unwavering support, I’ll walk beside you as you embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Together, we’ll explore the depths of your being, unearth the hidden gems of your soul, and illuminate the path to your highest potential. Through breathwork and holistic practices, we’ll co-create a life that’s as vibrant, radiant, and beautiful as you are.

Let’s breathe through self-doubt, fears, and the busy mind, unlocking your truest version and trusting the process of life.

founder of VIDYA

Intuitive Mentor & Real Life Experience Teller

Breathwork Teacher of the best Facilitator’s, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Reiki & Energy Mover, Coach, Trainer, Therapist - all the labels. Most of all I’m Verity. A human who understand what it means to be human and ride the waves of life. I found the biggest secret is loving what you - laughing your way through. Learning to love & let go.

In the heart of every journey lies a story—an intricate tapestry woven with moments of triumph, resilience, and transformation. And within this story, there exists a beacon of light, guiding us towards our truest selves.

Navigating Life's Raw Experiences

In the mosaic of my existence, I've traversed through life's raw landscapes, which sparked a profound curiosity with the mind-body connection. As a creative spirit, my odyssey commenced in the world of Interior Design, crafting spaces that echoed freedom and creativity. Yet, amidst the accolades, a sense of disillusionment lingered. Wrestling with anxiety, trauma, and grief, I unearthed the realisation that authentic healing demanded a deeper dive into self-discovery.

The Path to Healing and Self-Discovery

Fuelled by a desire to illuminate the path for myself and others, I embarked on a transformative quest of self-discovery. Embracing diverse modalities, from donning the roles of a PT and Holistic Health Coach to immersing myself in the realms of Yoga and Reiki, I unearthed the transformative potential of breathwork. Guiding souls through Yoga & Surf Retreats on Bali’ islands, I found solace in facilitating the journeys of others toward healing and realisation.

The Breath: A Gateway to Conscious Connection

Within the gentle cadence of our breath lies the gateway to conscious communion and profound metamorphosis. Through the rhythmic inhales and exhales, we unlock the portal to our subconscious, liberating ourselves from the shackles of self-doubt, fear, and past traumas. It's through this conscious communion that we reclaim our sovereignty, heed the whispers of our intuition, and embrace the purest essence of our being.

Guiding You Towards Freedom

I stand here as your companion on the path, ready to illuminate your journey of breath and life. Together, let us embark on a voyage of self-discovery and transformation, where every breath becomes a sacred step toward liberation. The choice is yours—let us embark on this odyssey together.


Feeling the call to work with Verity